
Labor Law

Since work is an important part of our lives, it is advisable for workers to understand what rights they have when working for an individual or a company. Labor relationships and employment practices are governed by the Labor Code of Panama. At Lawyer in Panama , we are dedicated to advising and representing both natural and juridical persons on labor matters.

It is very important for employers to know the laws of Panama regarding employment. By law, both employers and employees need to pay taxes in Panama. Also, two types of employment contracts are normally used in Panama which are oral and written contracts. Both have legal force and are valid.

We will assist in any legal dispute you have regarding employment law. Whether you are an employer who has been deceived by an employee or you are an employee who has been unjustifiably dismissed. Knowing your rights and duties as an employer or employee is very important when doing business in Panama or when finding a job in Panama.

Also, we will revise any employment contract you have signed and advise you on whether it has abusive clauses or if it is not compatible with the Panamanian Code of Labor.